Methodological aspects of non-experimental sciences and Indian philosophy (July 17-21, 2021)
Purushottama Center for the Study of Philosophy and Culture of India, RUDN
July 17, 2021 Arrival of participants
July 18, 2021 The first day of the conference
09:30-10:00 Registration of participants
10:00-10:15 Opening of the conference. Prof. Purushottama Bilimoria (Australia, the Center for the Study of Philosophy and Culture of India «Purushottama» RUDN) Methodological rethinking that informed The History of Indian Philosophy (Routledge 2019) and continues in Indian Ethics vol II
10:15-10:25 Welcome speech by N. S. Kirabaev (DSci., prof., head of the department. History of Philosophy of the RUDN)
10:25-10:30 Introductory speech by R. V. Pskhu ( DSci, Purushottama Center of the RUDN)
SESSION No. 1. Specific modern methods of the humanities and natural sciences
The time of the event is 10:30-13:30
Moderator: Pskhu R.V.
10:30-11:00 Shokhin V.K. (DSci Professor, IF RAS, V. N. S. of the Laboratory «Center for the Study of Philosophy and Culture of India Purushottama» RUDN) Indian Science and «Prasthanabheda» by Madhusudan Saraswati
11:00-11:30 Paribok A.V. (PhD of the Purushottama Center, RUDN, Moscow) The beginnings of the civilizational typology of mentalities. Activity and language aspects
11:30-12:00 Smirnov A.V. (Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the IF RAS) Preliminary reflections on the principle of diversity of logics of meaning.
12:00-12:30 Andrey Shuman (PhD, University of Information Technologies and Management, Poland) On the origins of the formation of logical discourse in India
12:30-13:00 Vecherina O.P. (Ph,D. of the Purushottama Center, RUDN, Moscow) Problems of interpretation of the Tamil canon of Shaiva-Siddhanta
13:00-13:30 SerbinenkoV.V. (DSci, Professor of the Russian State University, Moscow) Modern problems of research of the history of Russian philosophy
Lunch break 13:30-15:00
SESSION No. 2. History of methods, their struggle and continuity
The time of the event is 15:00-17:50
Moderator: Paribok A.V.
15:00-15:30 Kirabaev N.S. (DSci prof. RUDN, Moscow) Methods of philosophical comparative studies: pro & contra
15:30-15:50 Pskhu R.V. (DSci , prof. RUDN, Purushottama Center, Moscow) Situational hermeneutics as a method of studying the history of Indian philosophy
15:50-16:10 Gordiychuk N.V. (postgraduate student of the RUDN, the Purushottama Center of the RUDN, Moscow) On the boundaries of disciplines in classical Indology (based on the material of Tamil studies)
16:10-16:30 Desnitskaya E.A. (PhD., Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Purushottama Center, RUDN) Cross-cultural parallels in the interpretation of the Indian linguophilosophical tradition
16:30-16:50 Kryshtop L.E. (DSci prof. RUDN, Purushottama Center, Moscow) The hermeneutic method in philosophical research yesterday and today: the current state and prospects for development
17:10-17:30 Perepechina A.S. (postgraduate student of RUDN, Purushottama Center) A. Schopenhauer’s Philosophy of the Will as a European Idea of Buddhism»
17:30-17:50 Zolotukhin V.V. (Associate Professor of the School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of the Higher School of Economics) Is Arabic-language religious studies possible?
July 19, 2021. The second day of the conference
SESSION No. 3. The results of the application of different methods to specific object areas and a complex methodology for the study of highly developed non-European cultures
The time of the event is 11:00-15:40
Moderator: Vecherina O.P.
11:00-11:30 Dvorkin I.S. (International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem) Linguistic method and experiment. Language leads philosophy out of a dead end
11:30-12:00 Alexander Rybalov (PhD, Tel Aviv University) Coincidentia Oppositorum in Indian, Jewish, Christian and Muslim thought and its resolution in the logic of fuzzy sets
12:00-12:30 Sorina G.V. (DSci Professor, Moscow State University, Moscow), Pskhu R. V. (DSci, Purushottama Center, Moscow) Images of Indian philosophy within the framework of the Methodology of Expert Text Analysis (MEAT)
12:30-13:00 Kurmanova D. (DSci , prof. RUDN, Purushottama Center, Moscow) Methodology of studying the linguistic personality in political blogs of the Transcaucasia
13:00-13:30 Korneeva T.G. (PhD, IF RAS, Moscow) History of the study of the philosophy of Ismailism in the XX century
13:30-14:00 Sivakova D.V. (Center «Purushottama» RUDN, Moscow) «Methodological features of working with the philosophical and mythological concept of Count S. S. Uvarov»
14:00-14:20 Kuzina E. (GII, Purushottama Center, RUDN) Vienna School of Art Studies and Indian Art: problems of methodology
14:20-14:40 Roman L.G. (Center «Purushottama» RUDN) The status of scientific and religious-mythological paradigms of thinking
14:40-15:00 Danilova N.N. (PhD, Associate Professor (MSLU) Philosophy and methodology of secondary language personality formation
15:00-15:20 Kholina I.M. (PhD , Associate Professor (MSLU) Methodological aspect of the study of the correlation of language and thinking
15:20-15:40 Putyagina V.N. («Purushottama» Center of RUDN, Moscow) The main milestones in the history of studying as-Suhrawardi
Lunch break 15:40-16:40
SESSION No. 4. G. Oberhammer’s transcendental hermeneutics in the history of European and Indian philosophy
The time of the event is 15:40-19:30
Moderator: Gordiychuk N.V.
16:40-17:00 Pskhu R.V. (DSci , prof. RUDN, Purushottama Center, Moscow) G. Oberhammer’s Religious Hermeneutics in action
16:00-16:20 Belov V.N. (DSci, professor, Head of the Department. Ontologies and theories of Knowledge of the RUDN) The ontology of the transcendent experience by Gerhard Oberhammer
16:20-16:40 Desnitskaya E.A. (PhD, Russian Academy of Sciences St. Petersburg, Purushottama Center of the RUDN) G. Oberhammer’s works on Sankhya and Yoga in the light of modern research
16:40-17:00 Paribok A.V. (PhD, Purushottama Center, RUDN, Moscow) About the work of Oberhammer «Notes on the phenomenon of religious tradition in Hinduism» (1997). Development of basic concepts
17:00-17:20 Titlin L.I. (PhD, IF RAS, Moscow) The concept of love in the work of G. Oberhammer » The forgotten secret of human love: an attempt at an approach»
17:20-17:40 Lapshin I.E. (PhD, Department of Ethics, RUDN) Myth and mythologization in the religious hermeneutics of G. Oberhammer
17:40-18:00 Kryshtop L.E. (DSci ,prof. RUDN, Purushottama Center, Moscow) The concept of mythization in K. Jaspers and G. Oberhammer
18:00-18:30 Dolgopolsky S. (University of Buffalo) Reading as an experiment
18:30:19:30 Lukashev A. Presentation of the activities of the Ibn Sina Foundation and screening of the documentary «Tochka»
July 20, 2021. The third day of the conference.
SESSION No. 5. The results of the application of different methods to specific object areas and a complex methodology for the study of highly developed non-European cultures
The time of the event is 12:00-15:00
Moderator: Rekhviashvili S.Sh.
12:00-12:20 Rekhviashvili S.Sh. (DSci, head of the department of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation of the KBSC RAS, Nalchik, Russia) Ancient Egyptian mythology and Modern physics
12:20-12:40 Uzdenova F.T. (PhD, Senior Researcher of the Sector of Karachay-Balkar Literature, Institute for Humanitarian Studies of the KBSC RAS, Nalchik, Russia) Ethno-cultural consciousness: towards the problem of identification
12:40-13:00 Kenetova R.O. (Ph.D., head of department. Laboratory of Synergetic Problems, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation of the KBSC RAS, Nalchik, Russia) Harmonization of interpersonal relations as a necessary condition for the stabilization of interethnic relations
13:00-13:20 Losanova F.M. (PhD, Laboratory of Synergetic Problems, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation of the KBSC RAS, Nalchik, Russia) Methodological approaches to the study of population dynamics taking into account migration
13:20-13:40 Kanametova D.A. (PhD, Laboratory of Synergetic Problems, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation of the KBSC RAS, Nalchik, Russia) Methodological foundations of state regulation of the innovative economy
13:40-14:00 Dautova S.B. (DSci, Director of the Scientific Center «Formation of an intellectual Nation» of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan) Modern approaches to understanding the artistic picture of the world in the literature of the Golden Horde
14:00-14:20 Ospanova B.R. (PhD, Senior Researcher of the Scientific Center «Formation of an Intellectual Nation» of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan) Features of the linguistic expression of the cultural and artistic content of the literature of the Turkic Middle Ages
14:20-14:40 Tkhagazitov Yu.M. (DSci , V. N. S. of the Kabardino-Circassian Literature Sector, Institute for Humanitarian Studies of the KBSC RAS, Nalchik, Russia) The problem of literary and folklore transformations in modern literary studies. Differentiation of types of artistic consciousness
14:40-15:00 Sarbasheva A.M. DSci, Head of the Department of Karachay-Balkar Literature of the Institute of Humanitarian Studies of the KBSC RAS, Nalchik, Russia) Ethnofolclory tradition as a factor in creating a national picture of the world in literature
Lunch break 15:00-16:00
16:00-18:00 Round table on the topic «Specific methods of research of philosophical texts of different cultures»
18:00 The end of the conference. Summing up the results.
July 21, 2021 Departure of participants